Vision, Mission, Aims


A world where every voice matters in the decisions that affect them.


To support good quality implementations of sociocracy as a method of ensuring that every voice matters.


  1. Creating and sustaining an International Sociocracy Certification Board and its website presence.
  2. Creating and sustaining an internationally recognized process with shared standards for publically certifying consultants qualified to assist the implementation of sociocracy in organizations.
  3. Creating and sustaining an internationally recognized process for publically identifying agencies qualified to assist the preparation of candidates for certification as sociocracy consultants.
  4. Supporting knowledge exchange and networking among consultants.


  1. Policies regarding certification of sociocracy consultants
  2. Policies regarding recognition of certifying agencies
  3. Serving as appeal Board for disputes regarding certification
  4. Website presence


  • All voices matter. 
  • All needs matter.
  • Inclusivity.
  • Quality